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  • Crain Kia of Sherwood

Apr 29, 2021

You need a Kia oil change every 7,500-10,00 miles, so visit your dealer in Sherwood, AR for regular oil changes. Generally, you need an oil change once every 6 months, even if you haven’t reached 7,500 miles. Letting old oil sit around in your vehicle can damage the engine, so stay on top of this maintenance and don’t delay when you need your oil changed. 

Where Should You Get A Kia Oil Change in Sherwood, AR?

You should get your oil changed at a local Kia dealership. Dealers have technicians who specialize in the cars sold at the dealership. A specialist technician is always more desirable than a generalist one, as specialists can provide more detailed advice and insight on your vehicle. Sometimes you’ll need an oil change more frequently than every 7,500 miles, but it depends on several variables that a specialist technician can advise on.

A specialist technician will make sure that your oil change frequently is in line with what your vehicle needs. That 7,500-,10,000 miles is just a general suggestion, but your technician can give you a personalized suggestion. Technicians are also happy to help if you need an oil change earlier than expected. You should learn to recognize the signs that you need an oil change, though, so you can take your Kia in ASAP.

3 Signs You Need an Oil Change


1. Dark Exhaust Fumes


The fumes from your exhaust pipe are supposed to be invisible. If the fumes are suddenly dark, then you may have a problem with your oil. It’s not doing its job well, and that results in smoke-like fumes coming out of your tailpipe.

2. Louder Engine


An engine that’s suddenly louder than usual is a sign that you need an oil change. The oil lubricates your engine, and when your engine isn’t lubricated correctly, the engine gets louder. You may also hear a knocking sound coming from your engine. The knocking indicates an issue with your oil, even if your engine seems to be performing at its usual volume.

3. Unusual Oil Texture


If you notice that your oil has changed texture, then it’s a sure sign that you need an oil change. Your oil should be smooth, translucent, and amber in color. If it becomes cloudy, gritty, or thin in places, then something is wrong with the oil.

Your oil may appear darker than it used to be, but that’s not always a sign of bad oil. The oil darkens as it goes through the engine. If the oil appears gritty and dirty as well as dark, then that’s when you should be worried. Get an oil change if the color change is accompanied by the presence of particles.

If you need an oil change, visit us at Crain Kia of Sherwood. We’ll change your oil, and we’ll fix any faults in your system. We can take care of all of your regular maintenance needs, so don’t hesitate to call if you have a problem. You can reach us at 501-542-5200.